Thursday, May 1, 2008

The REAL Bad News Bears

At times it seems like we're just so close! One game we play great and lose by a run or two, and the next we have more errors than a Yankee without his steroids. Our church softball team is now 0-6. Last year we won 4 games I think (out of 16)...I thought this year would be much better. It might help if all of our team actually showed up for a game, but who knows. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to complain about the rest of the team cause I'm as bad as anyone! The problem is my mind is much more competitive than my body. Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

You can recruit some of our church's softball players.


Anonymous said...

Fire the coach...oh sorry Clay!!

clay said...

That's what I'm thinkin...

Anonymous said...

Go to the gym, fatty.

Emily said...

So I just found your blog....
Unfortunately though, I have no suggestions for the softball team as I am as un-athletic as they come. I just married into an athletic family....